
I am trying to make laravel basic authorization. I'm using gate for laravel authorization.

Table structure

User Table, Permission Table, Role, role_permission table 

user : id, name , password, email
permission : id, name
role:id , name
role_permission: id, role_id, permission_id


public function boot(GateContract  $gate)

   foreach($this->getPermissions() as $permission)
      $gate->define($permission->name,function($user) use($permission){  
      return $user->role->id == $permission->role_id;              

public function getPermissions()

    $permissions = \DB::table('role_permission')
        ->join('permissions', 'permissions.id', '=', 'role_permission.permission_id')
    return $permissions;


It doesn't work properly means I can't access the route though it's there in permission table with the appropriate user.

There's an uncommented dd() in there... Also, this is somewhat inefficient. You could query just the user's permissions, rather than every permission in your system.Stuart Wagner
Remove dd($permission) from your question as not needed.Onix
I removed it though..i think there is a problem of query with the user and roles..Hola
actually you did notOnix
Ok, I have updated..Now check pleaseHola

1 Answers


You should not access database from service provider. Always try to keep your service provider simple. Please follow the bellow steps to serve your purpose.


public function boot(GateContract $gate)

    $gate->before(function($user, $ability) {

          return $user->hasPermission($ability);


Now add the following methods in App\User model.

public function hasPermission($name)
    $permission = Permission::where('name','=', $name)->first();
    if(! $permission) {
        return false;

    return $this->hasRole($permission->roles);

public function hasRole($role)
    if (is_string($role)) {
        return $this->roles->contains('name', $role);

    return (bool) $role->intersect($this->roles)->count();

Hope this will work to serve your purpose.