I am trying to display the following geojson file in a folium map in Python but it just shows an empty map with none of the data.
Here are the steps I have tried:
I tried using the python code below but nothing shows up.
I tried other geojson files in the github repository below using the same code and the data show up without any issue, so it looks like my python code is fine
I opened the "census_tracts_2010.geojson" file in github and Mapshaper, the data showed up perfectly without any issue, so it doesn't look like the geojson file is corrupted
Could anyone please let me know how I can fix it?
Geojson file: https://github.com/dwillis/nyc-maps/blob/master/census_tracts_2010.geojson
Python code:
import folium
m = folium.Map(location=[40.66393072,-73.93827499], zoom_start=13)
Thanks a lot!