
I have set up kafka version 2.11- in multinode multicluster environment .In kafka server.properties I already added delete.enable.topic=true in all the 3 machines.

I am using command for delete topic is , ./bin/kafka-topic.sh --zookeeper ip1:2181,ip2:2181,ip3:2181 --delete --topic topicname

but It's not deleting ,showing topic name -mark for deletion

So everytime I am clearing kafka-logs and zookeeper logs for delete topic .

Anybody having any idea to delete using command prompt .


1 Answers


In general everything you are doing sounds right, I suspect that your problem is a simple typo.

The parameter to enable topic deletion in Kafka is called: delete.topic.enable not, as you stated above: delete.enable.topic.

This would cause deletion to revert to its default value, which is false and result in the behavior you are seeing.

Correcting this and restarting should fix your issue and delete all topics.