
Hi I'm new to Magento, so we installed the Magento Simple checkout which is working fine but when you add a product it takes you to the cart (checkout/cart) which is fine but then it suddenly jumps to (checkout/onepage).

Both pages look pretty similar except the cart page gives me the option to keep shopping and change cart quantities and update the cart while the checkout page doesn't have this. I can never change the cart options because it always redirects.

Is there anyway to stop it from redirecting? I don't even know where to start to look so I could paste some code.

Thank you in advance.


2 Answers


It sounds like Simple Checkout is designed to do exactly that. If you don't like it, uninstall it. If you think there is a bug, contact the authors of Simple Checkout directly.


This is a javascript problem. If you view the source of checkout/cart/ (difficult, I know, it tries to redirect quite quickly) you might find this in it.

var checkout = new Checkout(accordion,{
    progress: 'http://metrotemplate.com/checkout/cart/progress/',
    review: 'http://metrotemplate.com/checkout/cart/review/',
    saveMethod: 'http://metrotemplate.com/checkout/cart/saveMethod/',
    failure: 'http://metrotemplate.com/checkout/'}

Basically it tries to POST an update to checkout/cart/saveMethod/ which is equivalent to the first step of onepage checkout. Unfortunately that URL doesn't exist, it should be POSTing to checkout/onepage/saveMethod/ in the background, instead it gets a 404 error which triggers the page to reload as the "failure" URL.

The final step is checkout/ redirects automatically to checkout/onepage/.

I cannot tell why the extension has started outputting URLs that begin with checkout/cart/* rather than checkout/onepage/*. Perhaps there is an admin setting somewhere? Maybe some over-enthusiastic template editing 'corrected' the file "template/checkout/onepage.phtml"? Or maybe Simple Checkout depends on overriding Mage_Checkout_CheckoutController and another, recent extension has it's own override which is conflicting..?