I am getting an output like
Plain response:
ticket_tax_dtls_id tax_code tax_amount_remitted tax_amount_proposed tax_amount_applicable
667894 CN 140.0 null 140.0
667895 US 232.0 null 232.0
667896 YC 36.0 null 36.0
667904 BP 56.0 null 56.0
667905 XA 26.0 null 26.0
667906 XF 30.0 null 30.0
667914 AY 37.0 null 37.0
667915 XY 46.0 null 46.0
667916 XFHNL4.5 0.0 null 0.0
in Jmeter. And I need to capture the dynamic file name using regular expression extractor and capture all the variables and pass it on further in a request as below.
I have tried making an array for each parameter but failed.
DB output is like below.
677839, 677840
etc. but where the response contains667894,667895
etc. Are you replacing the JSON request tax id values with regex captured values? – Naveen Kumar R B