After setting node type i,e Reliability tier to sliver to bronze on azure service fabric, error on cluster health is waring here below is the error evaluation from service fabric.(Even in vmss of service fabric
Unhealthy services: 100% (1/1), ServiceType='ClusterManagerServiceType', MaxPercentUnhealthyServices=0%.
Unhealthy service: ServiceName='fabric:/System/ClusterManagerService', AggregatedHealthState='Warning'.
Unhealthy event: SourceId='System.PLB', Property='ServiceReplicaUnplacedHealth_Secondary_00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000002000', HealthState='Warning', ConsiderWarningAsError=false.
The Load Balancer was unable to find a placement for one or more of the Service's Replicas:
ClusterManagerServiceName Secondary Partition 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000002000 could not be placed, possibly, due to the following constraints and properties:
TargetReplicaSetSize: 5
Placement Constraint: NodeTypeName==NOde
Depended Service: N/A
Constraint Elimination Sequence: ReplicaExclusionStatic eliminated 2 possible node(s) for placement -- 1/3 node(s) remain. ReplicaExclusionDynamic eliminated 1 possible node(s) for placement -- 0/3 node(s) remain.
Nodes Eliminated By Constraints:
ReplicaExclusionStatic -- No Colocations with Partition's Existing Secondaries/Instances:
FaultDomain:fd:/0 NodeName:_NOde_0 NodeType:NOde NodeTypeName:NOde UpgradeDomain:0 UpgradeDomain: ud:/0 Deactivation Intent/Status: None/None FaultDomain:fd:/2 NodeName:_NOde_2 NodeType:NOde NodeTypeName:NOde UpgradeDomain:2 UpgradeDomain: ud:/2 Deactivation Intent/Status: None/None
ReplicaExclusionDynamic -- No Colocations with Partition's Existing Primary or Potential Secondaries:
FaultDomain:fd:/1 NodeName:_NOde_1 NodeType:NOde NodeTypeName:NOde UpgradeDomain:1 UpgradeDomain: ud:/1 Deactivation Intent/Status: None/None
Help me to slove this problem