
I'm a newbie to CGAL library. However, I think it's a very suitable package for what I want to do. I have a set of points representing a 3D surface (as shown in figure 1).figure 1 I want to fit a 3d triangulation on this surface. The surface is not closed and therefore does not occupy a volume. The code provided in poisson_reconstruction_example.cpp seems appropriate for this job. But the problem is that as a part of poisson_reconstruction algorithm it closes the ends and underneath of the surface to make it a volume (see figure2). figure 2 I was wondering:

1- Is there a way to do the triangulation on the surface just defined by the points, without getting a closed surface which encloses a finite volume? This means that the final triangulation has boundary edges. I'm happy with any Upsampling or smoothing which may be needed.

2- If the answer to the first question is no, then, is there any way to guarantee that the input points are the vertices of the generated triangles?

I do not see the relation between the two questions... you are chaining them. You may want both of them separately, or none of them.sancho.s ReinstateMonicaCellio

1 Answers


The poisson surface reconstruction generates a close surface that interpolates the point cloud given as input. It requires as input a point set with normals.

If you need a algorithm that only uses input points in the output, you can try the Advancing Front Surface Reconstruction algorithm.