I am working on a project that uses the Arduino Due (microcontroller ATSAM3X8E). My goal is to be able to track the values of some of the key variables I am using in my firmware in real time. The fact is that I need to plot the change in the values of the variables over time.
In order to do this, I have decided to send the data to my PC through the native USB port. The real time constraint I am having is that I need to send the values of 20 variables (each of them 8 bytes long) within 0.1 ms. There is a native USB port available on the Arduino Due, which is connected to the USB peripheral of the chip. I have tried using UART over USB by setting up the Due in USB device mode. I can only get up to speeds of 115200 baud using Serial (UART) communication (any higher speeds don't allow the Due or my host PC to send the data correctly).
So, I did some home work and found that USB based devices have different classifications based on what they do. I want to know if there is a high speed protocol with a speed of at least 2 M bits/sec I can use on top of USB to data across to my PC from the Due, and, if there is an equivalent driver I can use on my Windows PC to successfully capture that high speed data - any recommendations would be greatly helpful.
Thanks in advance!