I'm trying to wrap my head around Circe.
So, here's the model I've been given:
object Gender extends Enumeration {
type Gender = Value
val Male, Female, Unisex, Unknown = Value
case class Product(id: String, gender: Gender.Value)
I want to
a) encode this simple example to a JSON string
val product = Product(id = "1234", gender = Gender.Female)
b) map the resulting JSON back onto the Product case class.
My own attempt didn't get me very far:
object JsonProtocol {
implicit val productDecoder: Decoder[Product] = deriveDecoder
implicit val productEncoder: Encoder[Product] = deriveEncoder
resulted in a compile time error
Error:(52, 49) could not find Lazy implicit value of type io.circe.generic.decoding.DerivedDecoder[A]
implicit val productDecoder: Decoder[Product] = deriveDecoder
I've no idea why this exception is thrown and what the solution could look like. Maybe it's the usage of the Enumeration type? But, I'm only guessing.