I have a series of OneNote 2010 notebooks, each with hundreds of pages across many sections and section groups, used as class participant workbooks. Editing a page's content leaves the display (cursor/screen/insertion point; not precisely sure how to define it) centered on the last edit.
(This is similar to Excel remembering your cursor location on reopening a spreadsheet, whereas Word, PowerPoint, others always open your document at the very top.)
When participants or facilitators open their notebooks, each page feels randomly displayed, since OneNote opens it at the last edit location. This should appear clean, professional, and organized.
How can I iterate through each and every page in a OneNote notebook, regardless of the organizational structure, and do the equivalent of CTRL-HOME CTRL-HOME? (The second one's for good luck. :-)
(Strangely, no one else seems to have asked this question. I can't find any UI way to do this. There may be a manual-edit-of-XML way, but that's beyond me. I'm familiar with VBA, but depend on the IDE for keywords and syntax, and don't understand the OneNote object model. So please consider me a script kiddie at best.)