I'm learning Haskell and stuck trying to understand the type system.
I'm trying to write a function which returns the length of the series 'Half or Three Plus One' for an input. Here's my attempt at the function, using a recursive approach (the function is valid for integral inputs only):
hotpo :: (Integral a) => a->a
hotpo n = hotpoHelper n 1
hotpoHelper:: (Integral a) => a->a->a
hotpoHelper 1 n = n
hotpoHelper num count
| even num = hotpoHelper (truncate (num/2)) (count+1)
| otherwise = hotpoHelper (3*num+1) (count+1)
Here is the error I get when I try to load this file in GHC 6.12.3
Could not deduce (RealFrac a) from the context (Integral a)
arising from a use of `truncate' at test.hs:8:30-45
Possible fix:
add (RealFrac a) to the context of
the type signature for `hotpoHelper'
In the first argument of `hotpoHelper', namely
`(truncate (num / 2))'
In the expression: hotpoHelper (truncate (num / 2)) (count + 1)
In the definition of `hotpoHelper':
hotpoHelper num count
| even num = hotpoHelper (truncate (num / 2)) (count + 1)
| otherwise = hotpoHelper (3 * num + 1) (count + 1)
take (truncate (5/2)) [1,2,3]
works, so I'm unable to understand this error message.
Where am I going wrong?