I need to read data from some Data Aggregator Device over RS-485 interface by USB port (USB-to-RS-485 converter used) for the Desktop App on JavaFX, so I have stacked on checking connection and getting proper values.
Data Aggregator Device collects information about produced current, power etc. from PV-module (Solar Energy). This device has the only RS-485 port. As I read from a documentation, it uses Modbus RTU protocol (with settings: 9600-8N1).
To be honest, It's my first experience with working on COM-ports and Devices. That is why I don't know even am I correctly connect pins. I read a lot of things related with RS-485, Modbus. But, still, I am on the first steps.
So, I use simple UTP cable to connect. And what I have done:
Windows found virtual "COM3" port, after connecting USB to PC. Then I try to check connection with Terminal 1.9 by Bray. I try to send something. And as receiving messages it sent me some data also. However, it doesn't mean that everything connected well. Also terminal shows me some FRAME ERROR. I know, that Modbus protocol based on "master-slave" scheme. Therefore, PC as a client is "Master" and device as a server is "Slave". I have to send some request to the slave to get some expected response. But, how?! Please, check my connections! I don't know what to do next.