I have tried to create new Facelets (JSF 1.2) component (using Java code). The component works perfectly, but the problem is, that I have no code completion for attributes in my IDE (Netbeans 6.9.1) for ihis tag. I think, that I am missing some part of configuration (in plain JSF there were tags for attributes, but I havent found them in for facelets config)....
public class MenuUIComponent extends UIComponentBase {
public void encodeBegin(FacesContext context) throws IOException {
// ...
Faces config:
My taglib (flexibla2.taglib.xml)
Web xml
When I try to call to use my component
<flexibla2:menu root="#{clientPageBean.rootCategory}" />
The attribute root is market by IDE as not known (red uderscored) with error message: "The attribute root is not defined in component's interface"
Thanks for your help.