I have a data set that includes employee name (rows) and # of calls in 2016, 2016 revenue, # of calls in 2017, and 2017 revenue for each employee. Is there a way to plot (employee's 2016 calls, employee's 2016 revenue) AND (employee's 2017 calls, employee's 2017 revenue) on one scatter plot in Tableau?
I've tried to plot 2016 calls and 2017 calls (columns) on a dual axis and 2016 revenue and 2017 revenue (rows) on a dual axis, but it ends up plotting all possible (X,Y) combinations, when there should only be two points per employee (2016 data and 2017 data).
Alternatively, is there a way to plot a line through each of the 2016 points if I've calculated the slopes of the lines I want to use?