You wouldn't extend StandardAnalyzer
, since analyzer implementations are final. The meat of an analyzer implementation is the createComponents
method, and you would have to override that anyway, so you wouldn't get much from extending it anyway.
Instead, you can copy the StandardAnalyzer source, and modify the createComponents
method. For what you are asking for, I recommend adding ASCIIFoldingFilter
, which will attempt to convert UTF characters (such as accented letters) into ASCII equivalents. So you could create an analyzer something like this:
Analyzer analyzer = new Analyzer() {
protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(final String fieldName) {
final StandardTokenizer src = new StandardTokenizer();
TokenStream tok = new StandardFilter(src);
tok = new LowerCaseFilter(tok);
tok = new ASCIIFoldingFilter(tok); /*Adding it before the StopFilter would probably be most helpful.*/
tok = new StopFilter(tok, StandardAnalyzer.ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS_SET);
return new TokenStreamComponents(src, tok) {
protected void setReader(final Reader reader) {
protected TokenStream normalize(String fieldName, TokenStream in) {
TokenStream result = new StandardFilter(in);
result = new LowerCaseFilter(result);
tok = new ASCIIFoldingFilter(tok);
return result;
. (FYI you can't extend it since the class is final). That said, it looks likeStandardAnalyzer
has a constructor that takes aReader
. You could probably take advantage of this and pass it a custom reader? – Chetan Kinger