First to say I'm new in sonata. searched in docs, found similar problem here but not exactly the same. I added Custom Admin not tied to any entity and added custom action:
namespace Opcja\AdminBundle\Admin;
class PriceProductAdmin extends AbstractAdmin
protected $baseRouteName = 'product_price';
protected $baseRoutePattern = 'product_price';
protected function configureRoutes(RouteCollection $collection)
namespace Opcja\AdminBundle\Controller;
class PriceProductAdminController extends CRUDController
public function managementAction()
// return parent::listAction(); // TODO: Change the autogenerated stub
return new Response("aa");
Registered like in docs:
class: AdminBundle\Admin\PriceProductAdmin
arguments: [~, ~, OpcjaAdminBundle:PriceProductAdmin]
- { name: sonata.admin, manager_type: orm, group: Products Price Management, label: Product Price }
Till here everything is ok, admin works, when i use '/management' route I see response from controller. But in BlockMenu (left side "slide down") i can se group that I gave (Products....), I see Product Price when i click this group but the link goes to "/list" (I assume its default), I want this link to point to my custom action "/management" as I defined.
I checked these: 1. 2. and Im confused - I just want link in block menu to point into my custom action(management) instead of "list". Am I supposed to add new block? create new directory and button (link 1, point 8.1.4 - tried this , it doesnt work for me)?