
I followed the Microsoft official Guide for create a Private Nuget Server. Everything seems to work, I can see my packages feed from browser and I can see my packages from Visual Studio package manager. However when I try to push, read or create new package from Nuget Package Explore as explained Here , It seems that the atom feed isn't getting started. I received the following error "The expected property 'Published' could not found while processing Atom results"

N.B. I've created this packages some time ago with a previous version of Nuget Package Explorer. Do you think I should re-create all packages with the new version? I hope not.


2 Answers


I was able to get the feed working again in Nuget Package Manager by updating the EntityPropertyMapping for "Published" to keepInContent: true in the ODataPackage.cs file. I'm using Nuget.Server v2.14.0.0.

[EntityPropertyMapping("Published", SyndicationItemProperty.Published, SyndicationTextContentKind.Plaintext, keepInContent: true)]

The Date published also shows now in the NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio with this change.


Some weeks ago I just created my server following the same Microsoft official Guide and I had no issues using Nuget Package Explorer...

The difference with you is that I have created (and pushed) my package using another approach (automatically with CakeBuild)...

Could you please provide us more details about:

  • your Private Nuget Server
  • the Nuget version you used to publish your packages
  • the Nuget Package Explorer version you are using