In our application we have implemented signalr scaleout with sql server. The backplane is configured but seems like it fails to send messages to all the servers that are connected to it. Is there an event or any other way to log the requests that are coming to the backpalne and to which servers it then send these messages so we can identify where is the issue. We can enabled signalr trace logs in each server and following is the trace from it. But the information here is too little for us to find the issue.
2017-02-02 04:05:11.7642 TRACE SignalR.SqlMessageBus Stream 0 : No records received (System.Diagnostics.TraceSourceExtensions.Trace)
2017-02-02 04:05:11.7798 TRACE SignalR.SqlMessageBus Stream 0 : Waiting 3000ms before checking for messages again (System.Diagnostics.TraceSourceExtensions.Trace)
2017-02-02 04:05:14.8111 TRACE SignalR.SqlMessageBus Created DbCommand: CommandType=Text, CommandText=SELECT [PayloadId], [Payload], [InsertedOn] FROM [SignalR].[Messages_0] WHERE [PayloadId] > @PayloadId, Parameters= [Name=PayloadId, Value=51373] (System.Diagnostics.TraceSourceExtensions.Trace)
2017-02-02 04:05:14.8111 TRACE SignalR.SqlMessageBus Stream 0 : No records received (System.Diagnostics.TraceSourceExtensions.Trace)
2017-02-02 04:05:14.8267 TRACE SignalR.SqlMessageBus Stream 0 : Setting up SQL notification (System.Diagnostics.TraceSourceExtensions.Trace)
2017-02-02 04:05:14.8267 TRACE SignalR.SqlMessageBus Created DbCommand: CommandType=Text, CommandText=SELECT [PayloadId], [Payload], [InsertedOn] FROM [SignalR].[Messages_0] WHERE [PayloadId] > @PayloadId, Parameters= [Name=PayloadId, Value=51373] (System.Diagnostics.TraceSourceExtensions.Trace)
How can I know whether the sql backplane is already working, and if not?