
I'm learning mongodb and java and have the following question, is it possible to chain filters?

So my example document in mongo is as follows

{"_id" : "...."
    "name" :"Joe",
    "roles" : ["A","B", "C"],
    "value" : 1000

Can i do an update using a filter which will update depending on whether the document in mongo contain the roles

example my

listCriteria = ["B","D","E"]

so update this document if it has the roles B, D, E, update the value to 2000

In java I know I can use filters

Bson filter = Filters.eq("name", "Joe");
Filters.in("roles", roles);

this.collection.updateOne(filter, updatedDocument...)

How can I chain it so that it updates the document with name "Joe" only if the roles in the documents contains atleast one in the list criteria

what do you mean by chain, is it chain of filters ?Digital Alchemist

1 Answers


Must contain all 3 roles - use $all query operator:

    name: "Joe",
    roles: {$all: ["B", "D", "E"]}
    $set: {value: 2000}

Must contain any of 3 roles - use $in query operator:

    name: "Joe",
    roles: {$in: ["B", "D", "E"]}
    $set: {value: 2000}

About generally chaining filters, you can use $and query operator:

    $and: [
      {name: "Joe"},
      {roles: "B"},
      {roles: "D"},
      {roles: "E"}
    $set: {value: 2000}