
I was using the sap.ca.ui.message.messagenamespace to create an error popup. I noticed this was deprecated and now I am using the correct sap.m.Messagebox.error namespace. However I am confused on the properties I can use for this dialog box.The deprecated namespace has properties that the correct one does not, such as "Details". I did see however that MessageBox.show can use the Details property. Can I still define these properties? Where is a list of the properties? Neither of the links below answer my question and the Explored link only shows a few simple examples.

https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/explored.html#/entity/sap.m.MessageBox%20/samples https://sapui5.hana.ondemand.com/#docs/api/symbols/sap.m.MessageBox.html


1 Answers


In the sap.m.MessageBox.error is not parameter "Details". Please, what exactly do you want to display in the details?

EDITED 17:25 010217:

You can still use sap.m.MessageBox.show and its property details, just set error icon:

icon: sap.m.MessageBox.Icon.ERROR,

Here is working jsbin example.

EDITED 19:38 010217:

The parameter "Details" also works for sap.m.MessageBox.error, here is jsbin example.