I have some questions regarding the use of Let's Encrypt with multiple nginxconf files.
.well-known location block
Do I need to put this location block in every nginxconf file, or just in the default nginxconf?
location ~ /.well-known {
allow all;
My default config file is used for showing the "Nginx is working" page. My other serverblocks, which are in seperate nginxconf files, are used for binding a specific application to a specific domain.
What is my document root?
I serve multiple Django applications on my server. In the Let's Encrypt tutorial they are talking about a document root. Should this be a single document root for all my applications/certificates (for example /var/www/html) or does each application have it's own document root (for example the root folder of my Django application)?
Note: my Django application are NOT in /var/www/html, but in a directory WITHIN my home directory.