I'm trying to process an XML file (snip below) where I've extracted the attributes from the element nodes. I would also like to extract the header value, if it exists, and return it with all the types attributes for that "group", but only if it exists. I can't quite work out how to do that though - I can retrieve the header value but can't work out how to only associate with the "group" that has a header value. I'm sure group is the wrong term, it's almost like I want to get the header from the parent node, but it isn't stored in the parent.
I've included example output to hopefully demonstrate what I've tried to explain.
$xml = [xml]@"
<document document="test">
<element type="header">Header1</element>
<element type="link" title="Title1" />
<element type="link" title="Title2" />
<element type="link" title="Title3" />
<element type="link" title="Title200" />
<element type="header">Header2</element>
<element type="link" title="Title300" />
<element type="link" title="Title301" />
$objs = @()
$nodes = $xml.SelectNodes("//*[@type]")
foreach ($node in $nodes) {
$type = $node.Attributes['type'].value
if ($type -eq "header") {$header = $node.InnerText}
$title = $node.Attributes['title'].value
$obj = New-Object PSObject -Prop @{TYPE=$type;TITLE=$title;HEADER=$header}
$objs += $obj
$header = ""
Output I'm currently getting:
TITLE HEADER TYPE ----- ------ ---- Header1 header Title1 Header1 link Title2 Header1 link Title3 Header1 link Title200 Header1 link Header2 header Title300 Header2 link Title301 Header2 link
Output I would like (no header shown for Title200
TITLE HEADER TYPE ----- ------ ---- Header1 header Title1 Header1 link Title2 Header1 link Title3 Header1 link Title200 link Header2 header Title300 Header2 link Title301 Header2 link