I'm having a problem to filter a list by it's attribute using variable.
Let's say I have variable "network" register in ansible.
"addresses": {
"private_ext": [
"type": "fixed",
"addr": ""
"private_man": [
"type": "fixed",
"addr": ""
"type": "floating",
"addr": ""
"type": "floatingXYZ",
"addr": ""
and I want to use something like this
- debug: msg="{{ network.addresses | json_query(\"private_man[?type=='^${PATTERN}$'].addr\") }}"
or this
- debug: msg={{ network.addresses.private_man | selectattr("type", "match", "^${PATTERN}$") | map(attribute='addr') | join(',') }}
but the search pattern is stored in variable PATTERN with value "floating" and I want to find the exact value (not with value floatingXYZ).
Almost the same problem was described here, but without the variable part.