
We are currently using sonar 4.3.3 release.Here we had uninstalled sonar-java-plugin-2.1.jar and had moved to sonar-java-plugin-2.5.1.jar Parallely we had removed the other related plugins also i.e :

  1. sonar-surefire-plugin-2.1.jar
  2. sonar-jacoco-plugin-2.1.jar
  3. sonar-squid-java-plugin-2.1.jar
  4. sonar-findbugs-plugin-2.1.jar

Now the problem we are facing is after our quarterly maintenance activity is over and sonar-server restart happens, Sonarqube update-center is downloading the uninstalled old plugins on restart.

List of such plugins:

  1. sonar-surefire-plugin-2.1.jar
  2. sonar-jacoco-plugin-2.1.jar
  3. sonar-squid-java-plugin-2.1.jar
  4. sonar-findbugs-plugin-2.1.jar

This is causing the sonarqube auto restart to fail with below-given error

2017.01.29 20:32:43 ERROR [o.s.s.p.PlatformServletContextListener]  Fail to start server
org.sonar.updatecenter.common.exception.IncompatiblePluginVersionException: The plugins 'jacoco' and 'java' must have exactly the same version as they belong to the same group.

Please guide if there is any way to disable this behaviour. Have checked the extensions/downloads/ folder also and no jars were present there.

You're not likely to get a lot of help here; that SQ version is quite old. Consider upgrading to the LTS version, 5.6.5G. Ann - SonarSource Team

1 Answers


The jars were present in lib/bundled-plugins folder.Removing from there solved my purpose.