I am developing an iPhone application, in which I want to use customized alert sheet. The customization is required since I want to set image for Alert-Sheet buttons, change the size of these button etc.
I have done the following things:
- Created UIView with customized controls that I wanted.
- Created and displayed UIAlertView
In the delegate method of UIAlertView (UIAlertViewDelegate) i.e
- (void)willPresentAlertView:(UIAlertView *)alertView
I am removing all the subviews of UIAlertView and adding my customized view as subview.
Everything works fine till here. Since I have used customized buttons, I need to remove the alert sheet explicitly in the Action Method of the button by calling dismissWithClickedButtonIndex:animated: on UIAlertView. Even though the UIALertView gets dismissed, it takes around 0.5 second to get dismissed. Can someone help me out to solve the problem of this delay in dismissing OR some other way of customization of Alert View buttons.
Thanks and Regards, Deepa