I try to use Nexus Repository Manager OSS 2.14 as a proxy for some Eclipse P2 repositories, but I can't get it work.
I followed Documentation Nexus Repository Manager 2.14:
Nexus Repository Manager Pro has P2 support installed by default. Prior to any usage in Nexus Repository Manager OSS the Nexus P2 Bridge Plugin and the Nexus P2 Repository Plugin need to be installed. You can download the bundle.zip files for your specific version from the Central Repository:
- Nexus P2 Repository Plugin
- Nexus P2 Bridge Plugin
Extract the two files into sonatype-work/nexus/plugin-repository and restart the repository manager.
and installed the two plugins.
To create a new proxy P2 repository I followed Documentation Nexus Repository Manager 2.14:
- Click Repositories in the Views/Repositories menu.
Click the Add.. button above the list of repositories, and choose Proxy Repository from the drop-down of repository types.
In the New Proxy Repository window,
a. Select P2 as the Provider.
b. Supply a Repository ID and a Repository Name.
c. Enter the URL to the remote P2 repository as the Remote Storage Location.
d. Click Save.
Following Nexus Repository Manager - Tutorial as a test I installed Eclipse PMD plugin with the repository URL of my Nexus and it worked fine.
But I can't see the stored binaries of the plugin, only the metadata.
If I look in the directory, I see only metadata:
Where are my binaries? Did I something wrong?