Android Wear system supports just few languages. Is there a way, how to force resource manager to use resources for languages, which I set up in my mobile phone but they are not supported by Android Wear system?
In my Android Wear app I want support three languages. English, gernam and czech. In my Android Wear application, I have these directories with string files: values, values-de, values-cs.
If I set up in my phone language to german, my Android Wear application correctly use german strings. But if I set up czech language in my mobile phone, Android Wear application use default (from directory: values) strings.
Is there any way, how can I achieve that resouce manager would use values-cs folder when my phone has czech language but czech is not supported by Android Wear system?
Thank you in advance.
I did quite ugly workaround. I have service in my mobile phone app which is related to this wear app. When start my wear app, I just ask the phone what language it use. After it send me response, i just try to switch locale in my Xamarin Android Wear app.
Code for change locale:
myLocale = new Java.Util.Locale(lang);
DisplayMetrics dm = Resources.DisplayMetrics;
Configuration conf = Resources.Configuration;
conf.Locale = myLocale;
Resources.UpdateConfiguration(conf, dm);
where lang is ISO639-1 code and myLocale is activity property of type Locale.