
I use Xamarin Forms v2.3.1.114 and I want to create a survey page in my app.

My basic class is this :

public class Question
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public List<string> Answers { get; set; }

My sample code is this :

ObservableCollection<Question> Questions = new ObservableCollection<Question> ();

        Questions.Add (
            new Question () {
                Title = "Question A",
                Answers = new List<string>{
                        "Answer A",
                        "Answer B",
                        "Answer C",
                        "Answer D"

        Questions.Add (
            new Question () {
                Title = "Question B",
                Answers = new List<string>{
                        "Answer A",
                        "Answer B",
                        "Answer C",
                        "Answer D",
                        "Answer E",
                        "Answer F"

My Xaml is the following :

<Grid Grid.Row="1">

        <cv:CarouselView x:Name="CarouselQuestions">
            <Grid Padding="12">
                <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
                <RowDefinition Height="*"/>     
            <Grid Grid.Row="0" BackgroundColor="#404040">
                <ContentView Padding="12">
                        <Label TextColor="White" HorizontalOptions="Start" Text="{Binding Title}"/>
                <ListView Grid.Row="1" ItemsSource="{Binding Answers}" BackgroundColor="Transparent" HasUnevenRows="true">
                                <Grid Padding="12">
                                <Label TextColor="Black" Text="{Binding}"/>


survey app

I use CarouselView control from Nuget but when I select a value from one listview and swipe carousel , the selected values have been losted.

How can i fix this ?

Thanks !!

Did you make your ObservableCollection<Question> Questions global or just local?Matthew Regul

1 Answers


Since Carousel item is reused you must need to update selected item or binding it into a new property of your CarouselView items you'll need to add something like this:

object _selectedItem;
public object SelectedItem{
       return _selectedItem;
        _selectedItem = value;

And add binding into your ListView Xaml

<ListView SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem}" Grid.Row="1" ItemsSource="{Binding Answers}" BackgroundColor="Transparent" HasUnevenRows="true">