We are working on spark cluster where spark job(s) are getting submitted successfully even after spark "Master" process is killed.
Here is the complete details about what we are doing.
process details :-
jps 19560 NameNode 18369 QuorumPeerMain 22414 Jps 20168 ResourceManager 22235 Master
and we submitted one spark job to this Master using the command like
spark-1.6.1-bin-without-hadoop/bin/spark-submit --class com.test.test --master yarn-client --deploy-mode client test.jar -incomingHost hostIP
where hostIP having correct ip address of the machine running "Master" process. And after this we are able to see the job in RM Web UI also. Now when we kill the "Master" Process , we can see the submitted job is running fine which is expected here as we we are using yarn mode and that job will run without any issue.
Now we killed the "Master" process. But when we submit once again the same command "spark-submit" pointing to same Master IP which is currently down , we see once more job in RM web ui (host:8088), This we are not able to understand as Spark "Master" is killed ( and host:8080) the spark UI also does not come.
Please note that we are using "yarn-client" mode as below code
sparkProcess = new SparkLauncher()
Please some can explain me about this behaviour ? Did not found after reading many blogs (http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/running-on-yarn.html ) and official docs . Thanks