I'm using Xcode 8.2.1 with a free apple developer ID. No problem to test the app with an iPhone that is directly connected to my Mac. Xcode generates a valid provisioning profile and added UDID of my iPhone.
Now I want to send the app to a tester but couldn't find a way to add his UDID or generate a valid provisioning profile. Xcode produce archive but prevent exporting it. It says: 'Distribution requires enrollment in the Apple Development Program' and gives me a link to enrollment that needs payment.
I could produce .ipa from command line but of course without tester's UDID inside!
Apple documents shows how to add a new UDID but my accounts on apple developer is not contains such menu items, it only guide me to enrollment and pay to join apple developer program (http://imgur.com/a/BxSi8)
I have tested other answers like this and this, with these solutions I could generate something but only contains my UDID again. diawi and fabric beta also didn't help, how they can help if I can not add tester's UDID?
My question is: Is it possible at all to send app (.ipa or anything) to tester with a free account or I should pay?