I am using Akka Http to make requests to a 3rd party API. The responses are "application/json", and I would like to use Akka Http to convert them to a custom case class. I would like to do something like this:
val request = RequestBuilding.Get("https://service.com/v1/api/items")
val response : Future[ItemsResponse] = http.singleRequest(request).flatMap({ response =>
This fails to compile, because I am missing an implicit unmarshaller of type akka.http.scaladsl.unmarshalling.Unmarshaller[akka.http.scaladsl.model.ResponseEntity, com.mycompany.models.ItemsResponse]
It's unclear to me what the idiomatic way to do this with akka http is. I am aware that I could use spray-json, but I'd like to understand how to do this without importing another library. It seems possible with Akka Http, but the documentation isn't clear (to me at least).