The following diagram describes the complete view of how Jobs/Cronjobs
works in Hybris, we will take it as a starting point to explain the difference between Job
and Cronjob
As the Car
needs the Engine
to work, the Cronjob
needs the Job
too. As well as a Car without Engine is not a Car anymore the Cronjob
without Job
is nothing.
The Job
is the conscious element in this equation it defines the logic to be executed by the Cronjob
Meanwhile the Cronjob
is the intermediate between the Job
and Users
, Through the Cronjob
the user can send information ( priority, triggers, node,…) and orders ( start, stop, abort,…) to the Job
to work properly and the Job
can display messages ( data, status, results, logs,…) to the user through the Cronjob
I believe that the most effective way to learn is through examples, so let’s make one :
One of the most Hybris
world requirements is creating a Cronjob
that exports all the products
of a selected catalogVersion
- First, let’s create the Cronjob, in the
we will define the inputs that we will send to the Job
<itemtype code="ExporterCronJob" extends="Cronjob" autocreate="true" generate="true" >
<!-- The input is the catalogVersion -->
<attribute qualifier="catalogVersion" type="CatalogVersion" >
<persistence type="property" />
- Next is to make the Job to hold the logic of exporting, however creating the
is not always so obvious, because you have to deal with Jalos
and I hate Jalos
Fortunately, Hybris possesses another way of creating Job
without using Jalos
, we will get to it later.
The traditional way to create a Job
is the one presented in the question, which is to create an item
that extends from JobModel
and in the corresponding Jalo
of the created item
implement the method performCronJob(CronJob cronJob)
and make all your logic inside this method.
I have never used this approach before, so the recommended way is to use ServicelayerJobModel
, the ServicelayerJobModel
is already extending JobModel
and implementing performCronJob(CronJob cronJob)
for you.
How ServicelayerJobModel
works ? it refers to a JobPerformable
via it’s SpringID
and then execute the logic defined in the JobPerformable
So all what we need to do to create a JobPerformable is to extend from AbstractJobPerformable
and implement perform(CronJobModel CronJob)
public class ExporterJob extends AbstractJobPerformable<ExporterCronJobModel> {
public PerformResult perform(ExporterCronJobModel exporterCronJob) {
try {
//get inputs from the Cronjob...
CatalogVersionModel catalogVersion = exporterCronJob.getCalaogVersion();
//do logic...
//end of logic...
//return Success (output)...
return new PerformResult(CronJobResult.SUCCESS, CronJobStatus.FINISHED);
} catch(Exception e) {
//return Failure (output)...
return new PerformResult(CronJobResult.FAILURE, CronJobStatus.ABORTED);
- We need to register our
as a Spring bean :
<bean id="ExporterJob" class="" parent="abstractJobPerformable" />
- The
should be attached to an instance of the ServicelayerJob
Via impex :
INSERT_UPDATE ServicelayerJob ;code[unique=true] ;springId
;ExporterJob ;ExporterJob
Or via HMC :
- Finally attach the Job ExporterJob to the Cronjob ExporterCronJob and Run your Cronjob :)
Via impex :
$productCatalog= ...
$Version= ...
INSERT_UPDATE ExporterCronJob; code[unique=true] ;job(code) ;catalogVersion(catalog(id),version) ;sessionLanguage(isocode) ;sessionUser(uid)
;exporterCronJob ;ExporterJob ;$productCatalog:$Version ;en ;admin
Edit :