I'm playing around with rxJava/rxAndroid and there's something very basic that doesn't behave as I'd expect. I have this one observable and two subscribers:
Observable<Integer> dataStream = Observable.just(1, 2, 3).subscribeOn(Schedulers.io()).observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread());
Log.d(TAG, "subscribing sub1...");
dataStream.subscribe(v -> System.out.println("Subscriber #1: "+ integer));
Log.d(TAG, "subscribing sub2...");
dataStream.subscribe(v -> System.out.println("Subscriber #2: "+ integer));
And this is the output:
D/RxJava: subscribing sub1...
D/RxJava: subscribing sub2...
D/RxJava: Subscriber #1: 1
D/RxJava: Subscriber #1: 2
D/RxJava: Subscriber #1: 3
D/RxJava: Subscriber #2: 1
D/RxJava: Subscriber #2: 2
D/RxJava: Subscriber #2: 3
Now, I know I could avoid repeating the count by using publish().autoConnect()
but I'm trying to understand this default behaviour first.
Each time someone subscribe to the observable it starts emitting the number sequence. I get that. So, when when Subscriber 1
connects it starts emitting items. Subscriber 2
connects right away, why isn't it getting the values as well?
This is how I understand it, From the perspective of the observable:
Someone subscribed to me, I should start emitting items
[SUBSCRIBERS: 1][ITEMS TO EMIT: 1,2,3]Emit item '1' to subscribers
[SUBSCRIBERS: 1][ITEMS TO EMIT: 2,3]Someone else subscribed to me, I'll emit 1,2,3 once again when I'm done
[SUBSCRIBERS: 1 & 2][ITEMS TO EMIT: 2,3,1,2,3]Emit item '2' to subscribers
[SUBSCRIBERS: 1 & 2][ITEMS TO EMIT: 3,1,2,3]Emit item '3' to subscribers
[SUBSCRIBERS: 1 & 2][ITEMS TO EMIT: 1,2,3]Emit item '1' to subscribers
But this is not how it works. It's like they are two separate observables in one. this confuses me, why don't they give the items to all subscribers?
How is that publish().autoConnect()
fixes the problem?
Let's break it down. publish()
gives me a connectable observable. a connectable observable is just like a regular observable but you can tell it when to connect. Then I go ahead tell it to connect right away by calling autoConnect()
By doing so... don't I get the same thing I started with? A plain regular observable. The operators appear to cancel each other.
I could just shut up and use publish().autoconnect()
. But I'd like to understand more about how observables work.