
I have to ask help to solve an issue with AJX call in Codeigniter. I have CSRF protection on in my system and usually it works fine even with AJAX/jQuery call. Now I got in trouble with the following code and I'm not able to fix it...just got a great headache What I'm trying to do is call a controller every time a checkbox state is changed (I'm using Switchery ); I'd like to get the switch working correctly several times...not just at the first switch. The javascript code is the following:

			$(document).ready(function() {
			var csrfName = '<?php echo $this->security->get_csrf_token_name(); ?>';
			var csrfHash = '<?php echo $this->security->get_csrf_hash(); ?>';
			var changeCheckbox = document.querySelector('.js-switch'), changeField = document.querySelector('#results');

			changeCheckbox.onchange = function() {
			  	changeField.innerHTML = changeCheckbox.checked;
			        url: 'myphpfile',
			        type: 'POST',        
			        data : {
			            csrfName: csrfHash,
			            "checked": changeCheckbox.checked
			        dataType: "json",
			        success: function(result){
			            csrfName = result.csrfHash;


The script above doesn't work even at first attempt and I get an 403 error ( forbidden ) so, the csrf hash is not passed at all....this is really weird because if I set ( using the PHP echo code ) the csrf name and csrf hash directly into the S.ajax data brackets, the script works fine...even if just once. So the questions are: why the csrfName and csrfHash variables are not passed along the data? How can I make the AJAX csrf working fine several times? Sorry for my bad english, hope I explained my issues Thanks a lot for any help


2 Answers


Probably what you mean is:

var data = {"checked": changeCheckbox.checked};
    data[csrfName] = csrfHash; 

and then:

    url: 'myphpfile',
    type: 'POST',        
    data : data

csrfName is a variable, so if you want to add a property named with the contents of csrfName you have to use object[variable] syntax. By writing:

data : {
    csrfName: csrfHash

you are creating an object with csrfName property, not its contents.

Or if you're using ES6, you can write:

data : {
    [csrfName]: csrfHash,
    "checked": changeCheckbox.checked

Note that you are making an ajax call more the one time all you need to do just user jquery.cookie method to send csrfhash and csrfcookie values.here you can download jquery.cookie https://github.com/js-cookie/js-cookie and pass values of csrf via ajax like this .

"data:<?php echo $this->security->get_csrf_token_name(); ?>": Cookies.get('csrf_cookie_name')

just change the csrf_cookie_name according to you cookie name and it's done.i hope will help you