I am using Spring to setup Stomp server endpoints (extending AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer)
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry config) {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry registry) {
The objective is that I can have multiple servers, and a client will connect to any one of them for a specific topic: /topic/topic-id-1
Any of the server (at a time) can send a message for this topic using Spring's SimpMessagingTemplate
messagingTemplate.convertAndSend(destination, message);
where destination = "/topic/topic-id-1". For ex: I have 2 server nodes and a client connecting to each one of them, subscribing to the same topic (/topic/topic-id-1). The objective is that if server 1 sends a message for topic-id-1, it should relay via rabbitmq to both clients subscribing to the same topic. I see a queue being created with routing key as "topic-id-1", but only the client connecting to the server sending out the message explicitly receives it. Am I missing something here? Isn't RMQ stomp broker supposed to relay the message send by one server for a subscription, across all the subscriptions for the same topic? Does the server need to do something else to get messages sent by other node?