
Is it possible to dynamically assign a runtime value for "destination" in MDB (Message Driven Bean)?

The annotation based approach forces to hardcode it on MDB

@MessageDriven(name="PingPongMDB", activationConfig = {
            propertyName = "destinationType", 
            propertyValue = "javax.jms.Queue"),
            propertyName = "destination", 
            propertyValue = "ref_fooQueue")})
public class PingPongMDB implements MessageListener {

I also tried the ejb-jar.xml approach, but value for "activation-config-property-name" = "destination" is read as a literal physical name of queue. Hence I am not able to do a JNDI lookup of the resource.






What is the right way to read and assign the destination from properties or pass the value using -D params?


1 Answers


If anyone encounters it, it was solved on http://tomee-openejb.979440.n4.nabble.com/TomEE-override-parameterize-ActivationConfigProperty-td4680969.html

story short: using last version makes it possible to use placeholders