
I am completely new in joomla.

I have website e.g mysite.com

When I visit this site it's opening the url like bellow :


When I go to this link


It's successfully showing 404 page.

But how can I show this 404 error page when someone go to bellow link:


Many thanks :)

What is it showing now?Elin

3 Answers


This can be done in one of two ways

Method 1

Open your configuration file (configuration.php) and look for the line
public $error_reporting = ‘default’;
You will then need to change this to the following based on your needs:

  • E_ALL | E_STRICT – All errors, warnings, notices, and strict standards will be displayed on the website
  • E_ALL – All errors, warnings, notices will be displayed on the
  • E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE – All errors, warnings, but no notices will be
    displayed on the website
  • E_ALL & ~(E_NOTICE|E_WARNING) – All Errors. No warnings or notices will be displayed on the website;
  • 0 – No error reporting at all

Method 2

In your Admin Panel, navigate through Global Configuration >> Server tab >> Error Reporting. Choose an option as follows:

  • System Default: Joomla will inherit error reporting defaults set in the server (usually in php.ini file).
  • Simple: Overrides server settings to give a basic report with warnings only about the fatal errors.
  • Maximum (Recommended): Overrides server settings to gives full report with all the errors, warnings, notices, deprecated functions call, strict standards on the website.
  • None: switched off

Go to administrator. In global configuration you'll see a SEO Settings. Search Engine Friendly URLs Yes And Use URL Rewriting Yes - Follow instruction how to modify files according wich server you use.

Warning when you enable these all link with index.php will be modifies.

http://mywebsite/index.php/de will go to: http://mywebsite/de

Hope these help.


First go to admin panel > Global Configuration and turn mode_rewrite on. Then go to your root folder (Joomla! Installation Folder) and rename the htaccess.txt to .htaccess