Here's the situation, I have a code that reads values until the user inputs Ctrl+D, the problem though is I have to input it TWICE for it to successfully exit the loop, I figured it had to do with the fact that the Ctrl+D was being inserted into the string along with the remainings of the buffer and therefore didn't register as EOF and simply another character inside the string and only the second Ctrl+D which would be saved in an int variable, actually stopped the reading loop. To solve this I added while(getchar() != '\n') to see if it fixed the problem, but to no end. Here's my code:
typedef struct {
char nome[50];
int tempo;
int ncertas;
} equipa;
int ler_equipas(equipa *resultados)
int x, r1, r2 ,r3 ,r4, r11, r22, r33 ,r44, rcertas = 0, i = 0;
scanf ("%d %d %d %d", &r1, &r2, &r3, &r4);
while (scanf ("%s %d %d %d %d %d", resultados[i].nome, &resultados[i].tempo, &r11, &r22, &r33, &r44 ) == 6 )
if (r1 == r11) rcertas++;
if (r2 == r22) rcertas++;
if (r3 == r33) rcertas++;
if (r4 == r44) rcertas++;
resultados[i-1].ncertas = rcertas;
rcertas = 0;
while((x=getchar()) != '\n');
return i;
The input/output was as follows (">>" means output):
1 2 3 4
>> correct answers are 1 2 3 4
Team1 234 1 2 3 4
>> values inputed for team time and answers: Team1 234 1 2 3 4
>> getchar value was (ASCII): 10
>> Next read:
Team2 400 1 3 2 4
>> values inputed for team time and answers: Team2 400 1 3 2 4
>> getchar value was (ASCII): 10
>> Next read:
>> return i was reached
>> Number of teams: 2
>> Team "Team1" took 234 seconds and answered 4 questions correctly
>> Team "Team2" took 400 seconds and answered 2 questions correctly
calls, as well asgetchar
call, to a variable, and then running your code under debugger (or adding debug prints) to see what those return, and how the code flow goes. – hydescanf
properly), it seems likely that the problem is in the part of the code you are not showing us... – hyde