I am writing an ipad application where you can drag around the screen with 1 or 2 fingers. I use the touchesBegan, touchesMoved and touchesEnded methods to recognize the touches. I have multipletouches enabled for the view.
Now I have recognized one strange behaviour. If I place a finger outside of the upper screen border and drag it down to the screen I won't receive a call to touchesBegan or touchesMoved. This can not be reproduced for the other screen borders.
The only other case where it can be reproduced is when I use landscape orientation with the home button to the left side. In this case I get the same behaviour for the upper screen border.
Has anyone information about this or does experience the same if testing?
Edit: I did some additional testing. The area where the statusbar would normally be is receiving touchesBegan or touchesMoved very fine if i put down the finger in that region or slide it upwards from any lower screen position. The input is not recognized only if i slide the finger down from a position that is completly above the screen edge.
Edit2: Additional Info: - My app uses an OpenGL view. - The statusbar is hidden. - touchesBegan is called properly when touching the (hidden) statusbar areas in all orientations.