I have two levels of nested datatables in the form of
<p:dataTable id="necesidades"
rendered="#{not empty registrarAccionDosBean.accionDos.necesidadesConTema}"
<p:column style="width:16px">
<p:rowToggler />
<h:panelGroup id="grupoTema">
<h:panelGroup id="edicion" rendered="#{necesidad.tema.idTema ne null}">
<p:column >
<h:outputLabel value="#{etiq.lbl_comunes_requerido} #{etiq.etiqueta_checkbox_transparenciasFocalizadas}" styleClass="textoAcciones"/>
<p:column >
<!-- Nested data table -->
<p:dataTable id="transparenciasInplace"
<f:facet name="header">
<p:column selectionMode="multiple" style="width:16px;text-align:center"/>
<h:outputLabel value="#{transparencias.descripcion}" styleClass="textoAccionesSmall"/>
I am able to retrieve the information and presented on screen properly, but when I send to submit through a command button, all the information is sending but the values of the innermost datatable(the one which id is "transparenciasInplace") are not sending in the right way, in the backing bean I getting the following information which is incorrect
The way I receive the values in the bean
- Subject1 ---ObjetivesE,ObjetiveF
- Subject2 ---null
- Subject3 ---null
The way that I expect and I see on screen
- Subject1 ---ObjetivesA (1 object subject and 1 object Objective)
- Subject2 ---ObjectiveB,ObjectiveC,ObjectiveD (1 object subject and 3 objects Objective)
- Subject3 ---ObjetivesE,ObjetiveF (1 object subject and 2 objects Objective)
The code of my command button
<p:commandButton process="@form" icon="ui-icon ui-icon-disk" id="btnsave"
value="Save" actionListener="#registrarAccionDosBean.guardar}"
onclick="setTimeout('btnguardar.disable()', 10);" title="#{etiq.btn_guardar}" update="content"/>
I don't know why in the subject1 I am getting the value of the Subject3 and the values of the Subject2 and Subject3 are setting to null