
I read the official document about supporting multiple screens http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html

According to that document, I should just create different directories for different resolultion.

Now the question. How to support devices with normal screen and high density or low density?

I ask it because, there are two posibilities (WVGA800 (480x800) and WVGA854 (480x854)) and (WQVGA400 (240x400) and WQVGA432 (240x432)) and I don't know where to store some background images for them.

I would take drawable-normal-hdpi or drawable-normal-ldpi, but how to make difference between 480x800 and 480x854 or between 240x400 and 240x432?!

Thank you in advance,



2 Answers


This is the documentation on how to specify alternate resources.

So you could do drawable-normal-hdpi for medium screens with high dpi.


you have to specify layout folder like following:-

layout-small-ldpi (240x320)  
layout-small-land-ldpi (320x240)

layout-ldpi  (240 x 400 )
layout-land-ldpi  (400 x 240 )

layout-mdpi (320 x 480 )
layout-land-mdpi (480 x 320 )

layout-large-mdpi (320 x 480 )
layout-large-land-mdpi (480 x 320)

layout-large  (600 x 1024)
layout-large-land  (1024 x 600)

layout-hdpi (480 x 800)
layout-land-hdpi (800 x 480)

layout-xlarge (800 x 1280)
layout-xlarge-land (1280 x 800)