
I try to repartition a DataFrame according to a column the the DataFrame has N (let say N=3) different values in the partition-column x, e.g:

val myDF = sc.parallelize(Seq(1,1,2,2,3,3)).toDF("x") // create dummy data

What I like to achieve is to repartiton myDF by x without producing empty partitions. Is there a better way than doing this?

val numParts = myDF.select($"x").distinct().count.toInt

(If I don't specify numParts in repartiton, most of my partitions are empty (as repartition creates 200 partitions) ...)

According to spark.apache.org/docs/latest/…, the 200 partitions will be created because of default value for the config option spark.sql.shuffle.partitionsUninformedUser

1 Answers


I'd think of solution with iterating over df partition and fetching record count in it to find non-empty partitions.

val nonEmptyPart = sparkContext.longAccumulator("nonEmptyPart") 

df.foreachPartition(partition =>
  if (partition.length > 0) nonEmptyPart.add(1))

As we got non-empty partitions (nonEmptyPart), we can clean empty partitions by using coalesce() (check coalesce() vs repartition()).

val finalDf = df.coalesce(nonEmptyPart.value.toInt) //coalesce() accepts only Int type

It may or may not be the best, but this solution will avoid shuffling as we are not using repartition()

Example to address comment

val df1 = sc.parallelize(Seq(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)).toDF("x").repartition($"x")
val nonEmptyPart = sc.longAccumulator("nonEmptyPart")

df1.foreachPartition(partition =>
  if (partition.length > 0) nonEmptyPart.add(1))

val finalDf = df1.coalesce(nonEmptyPart.value.toInt)

println(s"nonEmptyPart => ${nonEmptyPart.value.toInt}")
println(s"df.rdd.partitions.length => ${df1.rdd.partitions.length}")
println(s"finalDf.rdd.partitions.length => ${finalDf.rdd.partitions.length}")


nonEmptyPart => 3
df.rdd.partitions.length => 200
finalDf.rdd.partitions.length => 3