Using this data frame, I attempted to create a simple line graph using the following code:
crypto_data %>% gather(Cryptocurrencies, USD_Exchange, -Date)
ggplot(data = crypto_data) +
geom_line(aes(x = Date, y = USD_Exchange, colour = Cryptocurrencies))
This produced the, apparently, well known error.
Revisit: geom_path: Each group consists of only one observation. Do you need to adjust the group aesthetic?
I am aware that this question has been addressed most notably here:
However, I am graphing more than a single variable.(Even though the data on the Litecoin USD exchange rate only starts at a later date it takes the value of zero prior to its introduction) I have also been mindful of stipulating the groups within aes() in ggplot (see the code). The command produces a graph with the correct axis lables and key, but a blank plotregion.
Does anyone see any obvious errors or perhaps have a solution? Thank you in advance.