


A single d is first derivative A double d is second derivative

I am using Matlab to simulate some dynamic systems through numerically solving the governing LaGrange Equations. Basically a set of Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations. I am using ODE45. I found a great tutorial from Mathworks (link for tutorial below) on how to solve a basic set of second order ordinary differential equations.


Based on the tutorial I simulated the motion for an elastic spring pendulum by obtaining two second order ordinary differential equations (one for angle theta and the other for spring elongation) shown below:

theta double prime equation:

M*thetadd*(L + del)^2 + M*g*sin(theta)*(L + del) + M*deld*thetad*(2*L + 2*del) = 0

del (spring elongation) double prime equation:

K*del + M*deldd - (M*thetad^2*(2*L + 2*del))/2 - M*g*cos(theta) = 0

Both equations above have form ydd = f(x, xd, y, yd)

I solved the set of equations by a common reduction of order method; setting column vector z to [theta, thetad, del, deld] and therefore zd = [thetad, thetadd, deld, deldd]. Next I used two matlab files; a simulation file and a function handle file for ode45. See code below of simulation file and function handle file:

Simulation File

clear all;
%Define parameters
global M K L g;
M = 1;
K = 25.6;
L = 1;
g = 9.8;
% define initial values for theta, thetad, del, deld
theta_0 = 0;
thetad_0 = .5;
del_0 = 1;
deld_0 = 0;
initialValues = [theta_0, thetad_0, del_0, deld_0];
% Set a timespan
t_initial = 0;
t_final = 36;
dt = .01;
N = (t_final - t_initial)/dt;
timeSpan = linspace(t_final, t_initial, N);
% Run ode45 to get z (theta, thetad, del, deld)
[t, z] = ode45(@OdeFunHndlSpngPdlmSym, timeSpan, initialValues);

Here is the function handle file:

function dz = OdeFunHndlSpngPdlmSym(~, z)
% Define Global Parameters
global M K L g
% Take output from SymDevFElSpringPdlm.m file for fy1 and fy2 and
% substitute into z2 and z4 respectively
% z1 and z3 are simply z2 and z4 
% fy1=thetadd=z(2)= -(M*g*sin(z1)*(L + z3) + M*z2*z4*(2*L + 2*z3))/(M*(L + z3)^2)
% fy2=deldd=z(4)=((M*(2*L + 2*z3)*z2^2)/2 - K*z3 + M*g*cos(z1))/M
% return column vector [thetad; thetadd; deld; deldd]
dz = [z(2);
    -(M*g*sin(z(1))*(L + z(3)) + M*z(2)*z(4)*(2*L + 2*z(3)))/(M*(L + z(3))^2);
    ((M*(2*L + 2*z(3))*z(2)^2)/2 - K*z(3) + M*g*cos(z(1)))/M];


However, I am coming across systems of equations where the variables can not be solved for explicitly as is the case with spring pendulum example. For one case I have the following set of ordinary differential equations:

y double prime equation

ydd - .5*L*(xdd*sin(x) + xd^2*cos(x) + (k/m)*y - g = 0

x double prime equation

 .33*L^2*xdd - .5*L*ydd*sin(x) - .33*L^2*C*cos(x) + .5*g*L*sin(x) = 0

L, g, m, k, and C are given parameters.

Note that x'' term appears in y'' equation and y'' term appears in x'' equation so I am not able to use reduction of order method. Can I use Matlab ODE45 to solve the set of ordinary differential equations in the second example in a manner similar to first example?


You're missing a parenthesis somewhere in your "y double prime equation".horchler
That equation is for question purposes and not part of any code.PatStarks
Well this is a clarification because in that code I did not mention that x and y variables are functions of time and that the goal is to obtain their values as time marches forward based on initial conditions.PatStarks

1 Answers


This problem can be solved by working out some of the math by hand. The equations are linear in xdd and ydd so it should be straightforward to solve.

ydd - .5*L*(xdd*sin(x) + xd^2*cos(x)) + (k/m)*y - g = 0

.33*L^2*xdd - .5*L*ydd*sin(x) - .33*L^2*C*cos(x) + .5*g*L*sin(x) = 0

can be rewritten as

-.5*L*sin(x)*xdd +             ydd = -.5*L*xd^2*cos(x) - (k/m)*y + g

     .33*L^2*xdd - .5*L*sin(x)*ydd = .33*L^2*C*cos(x) - .5*g*L*sin(x)

which is the form A*x=b.

For more complex systems, you can look into the fsolve function.