I am building an iOS app with Swift. On each of the app pages, we have text labels for different purposes. For example, text labels for titles, text labels for descriptions. And we need to unify the look of texts for each category of purpose.
I can unify their look in interface builder, say for all text titles, set font family to "Helvetica Nueue", and font size to "15". However, when our designer changed font family and sizes, we have to manually modify each of this label settings, which is very inefficient.
A direct approach to solve this would be, define the font family and size as constants in a utility class, then in the code behind, set all the text style after an app page is loaded. In this case, when there is any change, we'd only need to update the constants in the utility class. However, this requires we adding references for every text label in our code behind from interface builder as well, which also requires lots of work, and it is not efficient enough.
Any better ideas to do it smartly and efficiently? Appreciate your suggestions!