Let me teach you one weird trick. It may not be the answer to all your concerns, but it might help, at least conceptually.
Let's implement addition for natural numbers, the latter being given by
Inductive nat : Set :=
| zero : nat
| suc : nat -> nat.
You can try to write addition by tactics, but this happens.
Theorem plus' : nat -> nat -> nat.
induction 1.
plus' < 2 subgoals
nat -> nat
subgoal 2 is:
nat -> nat
you can't see what you're doing.
The trick is to look more closely at what you're doing. We can introduce a gratuitously dependent type, cloning nat
Inductive PLUS (x y : nat) : Set :=
| defPLUS : nat -> PLUS x y.
The idea is that PLUS x y
is the type of "the way to compute plus x y
". We'll need a projection, allowing us to extract the result of such a computation.
Theorem usePLUS : forall x y, PLUS x y -> nat.
induction 1.
exact n.
Now we're ready to program by proving.
Theorem mkPLUS : forall x y, PLUS x y.
mkPLUS < 1 subgoal
forall x y : nat, PLUS x y
The conclusion of the goal shows us our current left-hand side and context. The analogue of C-c C-c
in Agda is...
induction x.
mkPLUS < 2 subgoals
forall y : nat, PLUS zero y
subgoal 2 is:
forall y : nat, PLUS (suc x) y
And you can see it has done a case split! Let's knock off the base case.
intros y.
exact (defPLUS zero y y).
Invoking the constructor of PLUS is like writing an equation. Imagine an =
sign before its third argument. For the step case, we need to make a recursive call.
intros y.
eapply (fun h => (defPLUS (suc x) y (suc (usePLUS x y h)))).
To make the recursive call, we invoke usePLUS
with the arguments we want, here x
and y
, but we abstract over the third argument, which is the explanation of how actually to compute it. We are left with just that subgoal, effectively the termination check.
mkPLUS < 1 subgoal
x : nat
IHx : forall y : nat, PLUS x y
y : nat
PLUS x y
And now, rather than using Coq's guardedness check, you use...
...which checks that the inductive hypotheses cover the recursive call. We're
We have a worker, but we need a wrapper.
Theorem plus : nat -> nat -> nat.
intros x y.
exact (usePLUS x y (mkPLUS x y)).
And we're ready to go.
Eval compute in (plus (suc (suc zero)) (suc (suc zero))).
Coq < = suc (suc (suc (suc zero)))
: nat
You have an interactive construction tool. You can game it to show you the pertinent details of the problem you're solving by making types more informative. The resulting proof script...
Theorem mkPLUS : forall x y, PLUS x y.
induction x.
intros y.
exact (defPLUS zero y y).
intros y.
eapply (fun h => (defPLUS (suc x) y (suc (usePLUS x y h)))).
...is explicit about the program it constructs. You can see that's defining addition.
If you automate this setup for program construction, then layer on an interface showing you the program you're building and the key problem-simplifying tactics, you get a funny little programming language called Epigram 1.
(see the docs). The second bullet may be harder as current Coq IDEs I believe cannot use type information (yet), I guess company-coq could help with the 3rd. – ejgallegomatch
, you mean C-c C-c, right? – pigworker