
YouTube imposes the following quota cost limits (default values listed):

  • Queries per day  = 1Million units
  • Queries per 100 sec per user = 300,000 units/100sec/user
  • Queries per 100 seconds = 3,000,000

What is the meaning of the last limit? How can the quota per 100 seconds exceed the total quota per day?


2 Answers


Here are the meaning of the different quota in the YouTube Data API

QPD(quota per day) - meaning the maximum numbers of request over a 24 hour period a client id is able to make to an API.

QPS(quota per second) - meaning a global quota per second for the application, meaning how many calls per second an application can make.

quota per seconds per user - meaning the number of queries a user, in the application can make.

The quota of 3,000,000 per 100 sec did not exceed the 1M QPD because you need to divide the 3M QPS to 100.

So meaning you only have 30,000 QPS or queries per second.

I hope this information helps you.


I believe the "Queries per 100 seconds = 3,000,000" is a inaccurate/left over/a mistake from Google's old Query limits. Clearly 3,000,000 in 100 seconds is 3x your total per day and makes no sense!

The "old" limits used to be much higher: 50,000,000 Queries per day

The per 100 seconds limits, however, did not change (or at least were not updated properly).