Im just beginning to learn R so this might be redundant so I apologize. I am wanting to make this attach excel graph in R. My data includes daily water level reading for a reservoir from 1951 to 2016. I need the data broken into three series (1951 to 2013, 2014 to 2015, and 2016). I would like to plot the median values for these series per calendar day. And I would like to remove febuary 29 from the median values. Here is a link to my data:
Here is what I have so far:
LL <- read.csv("BSLL.csv")
LLpre <- filter(LL, year > "1952" & year <"2014")
headtail(LLpre, n=3)
medianLLpre = ddply(LLpre, .(month, day), summarise, level = median(level), na.rm = FALSE)
LLpost <- filter(LL, year > "2013" & year < "2016")
headtail(LLpost, n=3)
medianLLpost = ddply(LLpost, .(month, day), summarise, level = median(level), na.rm = FALSE)
LL2016 <- filter(LL, year == "2016")
headtail(LL2016, n=3)
medianLL2016 = ddply(LL2016, .(month, day), summarise, level = median(level), na.rm = FALSE)