I am running around to get this push notification functionality working (for 4 days now) in my app by using Azure Notification Hubs or Azure App Service Mobile App. It's been hard to find even a basic sample for sending Push Notifications to my mobile app (used as regular desktop website too) that I have created in Ionic 2.
To add to this, I am completely new to Azure Cloud Services in general and to Notification Hubs and/or Mobile Apps. Maybe, that's causing me not to look at the right place.
Microsoft Azure documentation for Notification Hubs and Mobile Apps is very confusing to me. I mean, I am not able to follow their docs and figure out a way to implement push notification functionality for my Ionic 2 Hybrid app. All the docs revolve around Visual Studio and .Net (not my skill set) so I am not able to figure out the solution for my work.
After reading more and more, it appears that I do not need Mobile Apps feature in Azure. I think one needs to use it only if they plan to have a cloud backend of their mobile apps. In my case, I have my own setup to deploy my app.
So that leaves me with Notification Hubs. I have created a Notification Hub in Azure Portal.
I was also able to register my app in Google FCM (formerly, GCM, I suppose). That is, creating a new app in Firebase Cloud Management Console and getting its Server Key along with Sender ID.
I also know where in Notification Hub I need to add that Server Key (in Notification Services > GCM).
I also have the Connection String from "Access Policies" of my newly created Notification Hub.
Finally, I understand that I will have to get similar information from Apple, Windows, Windows Phone services in order to send the push notifications to my app on those platforms.
Having done all of the above, I still do not know what exactly do I need to do next to get the push notification functionality working.
I would appreciate if you could please help me in the following:
Does anybody have a good material or a link on how to use Azure Notification Hubs to send push notifications to an hybrid app (like Ionic 2 and Cordova, etc.)?
Or a simple sample showing what artifacts go where in setting this up? Like, what I need to do in Azure Cloud in addition to what I have done above. And what all I need to do on my app side.
I would highly appreciate if somebody could please guide me in the right directions.