I would like to change the name of my reports generated by gatling automatically. I didn't find a feature or a library that exposes that behavior of gatling. Is there a way to achieve that without some hack?
1 Answers
You can change the name of the directory you keep the results from the gatling.conf
You can look at the following configuration:
directory {
#data = user-files/data # Folder where user's data (e.g. files used by Feeders) is located
#bodies = user-files/bodies # Folder where bodies are located
#simulations = user-files/simulations # Folder where the bundle's simulations are located
#reportsOnly = "" # If set, name of report folder to look for in order to generate its report
#binaries = "" # If set, name of the folder where compiles classes are located: Defaults to GATLING_HOME/target.
#results = results # Name of the folder where all reports folder are located